There are many benefits of beans as it is one of the most important foods that we should include in the diet due to the many elements it contains that protect and maintain the body. Beans are among the foods that are spreading all over the world, and there are more than one kind, including white beans, red beans, and many others.
Health benefits of beans
Rich in dietary fiber
Beans are one of the most foods that contain a high percentage of fiber, which improves the feeling of satiety, so that it maintains the health of the digestive system, and fiber works to absorb cholesterol and reduce its absorption by the body, which is reflected in maintaining blood pressure and heart health.
Body sugar control
The nutrients in beans slow down the absorption of nutrients by the body, which improves the process of controlling blood sugar, so it is one of the beneficial foods for diabetics.
Benefits of beans for the heart
Beans contain a good percentage of soluble fiber, folacin and niacin compounds, and folic acid, which helps reduce the hormone homocysteine, which in excess in the body leads to heart damage, so beans are essential to prevent heart disease and pressure.
Rich in iron
Beans are among the foods that contain the most concentrated percentage of iron, which is an essential and necessary element to protect the body from anemia.
Cancer prevention
Beans contain a high percentage of antioxidants, which eliminate free radicals that cause cell damage and cancer cell growth, as research has shown that beans are effective in preventing colon cancer.
Enzyme secretion
The percentage of copper available in beans helps secrete enzymes responsible for many things, including the formation of skin pigment.
Rich in proteins
Beans are a legume that is just as rich in protein as meat and fish, so they can be a great alternative for vegetarians.
Protection of the fetus
Beans promote the health of the fetus and prevent it from being exposed to birth defects, thanks to the fact that it contains folic acid, which acts on the development of the fetus and protects the health of the mother.
Benefits of beans for the eye
Eating beans promotes eye health, thanks to antioxidants that eliminate free radicals and prevent eye diseases.
Reduce menstrual pain
Research in a group of women showed that eating beans helps reduce menstrual cramps Thanks to the manganese content.
The benefits of beans for treating depression
Beans help reduce the secretion of the hormone homocysteine, which affects brain health and decreases the secretion of dopamine and serotonin.
Read also: The benefits of fish for the body.. 10 great health reasons