The benefits of cheese. Here are 11 amazing health benefits


The benefits of cheese include protecting dental and bone health, preventing cancer and supporting a healthy digestive system. Cheese is made from milk by extracting it and leaving it to bacteria to transform it. There are many types of cheese around the world, perhaps the most famous of which are roomi, cheddar and mozzarella. The history of cheese making dates back to more than 5000 years BC and was known by several civilizations, especially the Pharaonic ones.

Health benefits of cheese

Rich source of protein

Protein is one of the indispensable elements for the body, as it is one of the basic elements for building the body, and cheese is a rich source of this element, so make sure to eat it regularly.

Rich source of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an essential element that provides the body with energy and activity as it serves as fuel for the body. Cheese is a rich source of carbohydrates, but the amount varies depending on the type of cheese.

A source of fat

The body needs good fats to support tissues, cells and brain function, so eat cheese regularly.

Maintain bone health

Cheese contains calcium and vitamin B, which nourish and strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Save the heart

Cheese contains nutrients such as protein, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium that help protect blood vessel health and heart safety from disease.

Cancer prevention

Cheese contributes to prevention Colon cancer This is due to the fact that it contains compounds that fight cancer cells, such as linoleic acid.

The benefits of cheese for teeth

Cheese contains elements and compounds necessary for healthy teeth, such as calcium and phosphorus, which play an important role, especially in the aging process.

Stay calm

Studies have shown that cheese is an effective factor in protecting against exposure to feelings of anxiety and tension, thanks to the magnesium it contains, which helps to relax the mind.

Preservation of the brain

Cheese contains omega-3s and fatty acids that promote brain activity and protect brain health.

The benefits of cheese for immunity

Cheese is one of the foods rich in elements and compounds that support and strengthen the immune system and thus fight many diseases, and one of these elements is zinc, which plays an important role in this.

The benefits of cheese for the digestive system

Cheese contains good bacteria that help the digestive system perform its functions, such as probiotic bacteria that promote bowel movements and keep the stomach healthy, preventing digestive system disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and acidity.

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