Bone cold: causes, symptoms and treatment


Cold weather exposes millions of people around the world to acute inflammation in the joints in winter accompanied by severe pain, which affects bone health. This disease is known as “Bone cold

Bone cold

Reasons Bone cold many, the most important of which are:

  • Sudden temperature change: Bones are constantly exposed to cold after they warm up, whether wearing a lot of clothes or staying in a warm bedroom. And suddenly coming out in a cold place, this often causes arthritis and colds.
  • Wearing light clothes: This is a big mistake many people make as they leave heavy clothes behind in the last days of the winter season, believing that the cold weather is over and won’t return, giving them cold bones.
  • Severe colds: In many cases, severe colds that affect the airways often have negative effects on the bones.

Bone cold symptoms

There are many symptoms and indicators that tell you you have a cold, the most important of which are:

  • Sharp pain in the bones
  • extreme fatigue
  • Creaking sound when moving the joints
  • Difficulty standing for long periods
  • Inability to move and stiffness
  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain


To prevent bone cold, there are some good methods to follow, including:

  • not theTarrZ lots of air currents coldH :Indeed, care must be taken to keep the bones and joints warm and not to expose them to the cold during the winter season.
  • Regular exercise: Because it helps a lot to maintain health in general and bone health in particular. It also makes bones very resistant to diseases and dangers, especially in winter. In general, it is necessary to continue to practice different sports, especially in the winter season, because the lack of movement of the bones causes them to become stiff and difficult to move.
  • hot drinks : Warm drinks, such as tea and anise, keep the body warm and help fight viruses that infect the body and affect health in general.
  • Eat healthy food: It is very necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin (J), as the latter is very beneficial for bone and joint health as it greatly improves the immune system to fight infection and inflammation.


There are a number of effective treatment procedures, in particular:

  • Take medicine: In severe cases, and of course after consultation with a doctor, some anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken, of course with the need to adhere to the prescribed doses of these drugs.
  • Make it easy: Pressure on the bones causes more fatigue and inflammation, so it’s very important to take a break.
  • Hot and cold compresses: One of the good treatment methods is using compresses to treat bone colds, and alternating between hot and cold compresses, with the need to be careful to avoid exposing the bones to cold air after treating the compresses.
  • Bone massage: Heating the oil a little and massaging the bones is also a good treatment and help
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: In the winter season, it is necessary to wear suitable heavy clothing

Also read Arthritis: Causes and Treatment


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