Causes of heart attacks There are many and many, and in order to get the right treatment methods, the main reason behind the injury or occurrence of these heart attacks must first be determined, as heart attack has become one of the most common things in people, and for those who do not mean that the matter is simple, but in case the matter is repeated more than once, the physician specialist and the therapist should be consulted as it is considered as a warning about the presence of a health problem in the heart.
Causes of heart attacks
A heart attack is an explicit warning of the presence of a health problem related to the heart, and if it is neglected, it leads to an exacerbation of the problem and it is difficult to control it easily, as it can lead to the occurrence of serious and sudden complications such as the occurrence of a serious bleeding or stroke in the heart, etc. Below we explain the main causes that lead to a heart attack, namely:
- Taking certain medications and prescription drugs that cause some changes in heart rate.
- Irregular heartbeat, as the normal heartbeat ranges from 60 to 100 times per minute, and in the case of a report, the heartbeat increases to more than 100 beats per minute, causing a tingling sensation of the heart.
- Muscle pain is one of the reasons for feeling the heartbeat, and this is due to the exposure of the muscles to tension due to a problem, which results in feeling severe pain.
- The appearance of disorders in the digestive system and the inability to properly perform its vital functions, and this results in a feeling of severe pain in the chest area, burning stomach, bloating and accumulation of gases in the stomach.
- Heavy and excessive smoking causes serious harm, as cigarettes contain a percentage of nicotine, which leads to exhaustion of the heart muscle and causes heart attacks.
- Overeating unhealthy foods that contain a high percentage of fats and carbohydrates, which causes palpitations and heart attacks.
- Excessive consumption of drinks that contain a high percentage of caffeine, such as coffee or tea, which affect the heart muscle and cause cramps.