Benefits of Vitamin B
The benefits of vitamin B are a set of vitamins, each of which is a functional unit in itself. These vitamins are very important and essential in the human body. Its deficiency can cause many critical symptoms such as vomiting, tearing in the mouth, severe anemia, general weakness, many nervous disorders, numbness in the hands and feet, and diarrhea.
That is why it is very important to get enough vitamin B to avoid the side effects of a deficiency.
Where do we get vitamin B from?
Vitamin B is present in many foods and eating parallel portions is enough to meet our daily needs. It is available in: eggs, red meat, chicken meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts.
Vitamin B can also be taken in the form of dietary supplements, but as we always advise, you should stick to a healthy diet and stay away from supplements and medications as they can have a detrimental effect. However, you can take vitamin B supplements in the following cases:
During the pregnancy
A pregnant woman usually needs an increased amount of vitamin B. Its deficiency causes malformations in the fetus.
And as we know, vitamin B is abundantly found in meat, and people who rely on vegetables in their diet prefer to take some supplements.
Benefits of Vitamin B
Improving mood
According to American research on a number of elderly people, it says that when the vitamin B level in their blood rises, their mood improves greatly.
Prevention of chronic diseases
Prepare cancer One of the most dangerous chronic diseases. Studies have shown that self-sufficiency of vitamin B in the body offers great protection against many types of cancer. Including prostate cancer in men.
Boosts immunity
One type of B vitamin that boosts immunity is vitamin B2. It also stimulates the formation of red blood cells and white blood cells and thus protects the body against microorganisms.
Prevents anemia
Vitamin B12 helps in the formation and building of red blood cells, and a deficiency of this vitamin in the body is common in many people. Its deficiency causes many symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, constipation and depression.
Ultimately, the benefits of all types of vitamin B are numerous, as it prevents anemia and depression and stimulates the body to perform its functions in an integrated manner.