Best sites to check and analyze site speed


Best sites to check and analyze site speed

 Best sites to check and analyze site speed

  •  Google PageSpeed ​​Insights.
  •  WebpageTest.
  •  gtmetrix.
  •  Pingdom Tools.

Web Page Analyzer.

 These tools help in analyzing and detecting problems that lead to the slowness of your site. They are one of the best tools that enable you to know the speed of the pages of your site and analyze them in order to make the required and necessary improvements to improve the speed of your site, and the speed of loading the site is one of the most important factors of ranking in search engines.

 Tips to speed up the site

 If you want to get a better ranking in the top of search results in Google and other search engines, you should pay attention to the speed of loading pages and maintain the best quality of your site.

 You should upload low-sized images in order to maintain the speed of loading article pages and appearing in different search results at the fastest speed.

 You should also build an external and internal backlink for the site and articles, which makes the Zoo site high quality for search engines and always and never try as much as possible to reduce the size of the images in order to gain better speed


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