How to Add Places to Google Maps


How to Add Places to Google Maps

How to Add Places to Google Maps

In today’s topic, we will learn how to add a place on Google Maps. Which is very important for every person who owns a store or commercial store in order to gain easy access to his store through people who are looking for the nearest place to buy some things and this makes your store More famous Let’s know more about this topic

How to add a place on Google Maps. Anyone can add the location of his shop on Google Maps, whether it is a home, an office, or anything else that anyone can access with ease when he searches for it on Google Maps. The way to add a place is an easy way So continue.

1- Go to Google Maps.

2- Click on the place you want to add the name of the place on the map.

3- Your location window will pop up. Scroll the bar shown in the image below to the right until you find the option to add a place not listed on the map, then click on it.

4- Add the name of the place you want to appear on Google Maps in the first box.

5- Select your category by selecting it from the list.

6- Add the address of the place, but in detail.

7- In the box located inside, add some details such as the phone number of your store, which is very important when someone wants to reach you easier and faster

After completing all the steps that we mentioned to you, click on Submit and wait from 24 hours to 7 days until the addition of a place on Google Maps is accepted.

Google Maps


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