Does cardiac puncture lead to death?


Does cardiac puncture lead to death? One of the questions asked on the internet and social networking sites, which causes fear and confusion for many people suffering from heart problems. Cardiac perforation is a hole in the septum that separates the ventricles and ears, and it is a congenital abnormality that occurs with the fetus at some point before delivery, which is why we wanted to give you a specific answer to this question in this article.

Does a heart hole lead to death?

One of the most serious health problems is the injury of a person with a hole in the heart, especially since the heart is the most important part of the body, as it is the organ responsible for connecting blood to all parts of the body through blood. blood vessels and arteries, and in the case of a defect or disorder in the heart muscle such as a hole, which prevents it from performing its vital tasks and functions, and the types of heart perforations differ between one or two perforations, and we will inform you in the following explaining the answer to this question, heart perforation leads to death.

To address that, we must first deal with the determination of the type of piercing, since there are several types, as follows:

  • Perforation of the atrial septum: It is a minor and transient health problem that poses no threat to the life of the affected person or child. This perforation is in the primitive stage, so it is very likely that it will be closed by proper breastfeeding, but surgical intervention may be required in the event of an aggravation of the condition.
  • Ventricular septal perforation: It is also a hole that closes automatically and poses no danger to the life of the person who has it, but it can be associated with other health conditions such as heart failure, which leads to an irregular heartbeat or an enlarged heart muscle, all of which can cause complications Extreme danger to the life of the injured person.

Symptoms of a perforated heart

There are some pathological symptoms associated with perforated heart patients, and they are as follows:

  • At the slightest effort, the patient feels severe heartache
  • Weight stability
  • Feeling of difficulty breathing
  • Frequent incidence of pneumonia.


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