Does open heart surgery lead to death? Many people who are concerned about heart disease look for a specific answer to this question, as open heart surgery is one of the major surgeries that requires extreme and specific care from a specialist, so doctors recommend that the patient stays in the hospital for a while of not less than a week until he gets full health care.
Does open heart surgery lead to death?
This operation is considered one of the operations that endanger the life of the injured, but does not reach the point of death, and scientific studies and medical research have shown that the mortality rate associated with open heart surgery patients is very low, until it is not more than 3% but it needs medical care where the doctor makes an incision or opening in the chest area of the injured person and treats the heart directly but the risk of the surgery does not lie in this but the risk is in the post-surgery period, as the patient remains in the intensive care unit for up to about 12 hours at a time and he is put on a ventilator, which is one of the reasons that aggravate the disease and increases the risk of a patient having a cerebral infarction.
How to perform open heart surgery
Below we explain the most important steps that are taken during open heart surgery, namely:
- The operation normally takes between 4 and 6 hours
- The infected meteor is first completely stunned.
- The specialist doctor and therapist make an incision in the chest area, the length of which varies from 20 cm to 30 cm.
- This is followed by a cut in the bones of the ribcage to expose the heart
- The patient is placed on a device designed to move the blood path away from the heart so that the doctor can perform open-heart surgery.
- Having done the necessary, the doctor closes the chest area and transfers the patient to the intensive care unit.
Important tips
For an open heart patient, important tips should be followed which are as follows:
- Quit smoking completely
- Don’t take aspirin for a while