Treat Anemia Quickly Here are 10 home remedies


In this article we will look at ways to treat anemia quickly as statistics indicate that 25% of the world’s population, which is equivalent to one and a half billion people, suffer from anemia, although it is not dangerous, but it can lead to serious diseases that also lead to the lead to death. Affect your activity and way of life. Women are most affected by anemia, especially during pregnancy, as well as children, due to the unhealthy way of eating.

Treat anemia quickly


Spinach is a good choice for people suffering from anemia, as it contains vitamin B12 and folic acid, which is essential for red blood cells.

the Romans

The pomegranate is one of the fruits rich in vitamin C and the minerals necessary to build blood, whether eaten fresh or juiced.

Treating anemia with sesame

Sesame contains a high percentage of iron, so it is a home remedy for anemia. You can eat it by adding it to various foods.

Foods rich in beta-carotene

Foods rich in beta-carotene are important and necessary to get rid of anemia, such as pumpkin, which is an excellent food for the spleen, which recycles red blood cells.

liver to treat anemia quickly

The liver is considered one of the most nutritious and beneficial foods in the treatment of anemia as it is rich in iron and minerals needed to recover from anemia.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are especially helpful in treating anemia because they contain a high percentage of vitamin C and compounds that promote iron absorption. If you are on iron and still have anemia, it means that your body is not absorbing iron properly and you need foods that help with this, such as oranges and tangerines.

Yogurt to treat anemia quickly

Yogurt is one of the good foods that help get rid of anemia as it provides the body with probiotic bacteria that promote health, and helps reduce the growth of fungi that hinder the absorption of many nutrients.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate reduces hormone secretion cortisol That has a negative effect and reduces the absorption of nutrients by the body, so it is a good option to get rid of anemia.

sunflower seeds

It is one of the best food sources containing copper which helps in blood formation.

Also read: Ways to treat vertigo at home.. Here are 11 simple home remedies


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