TRENDING Woman Blasted After Blaming Teen Sister for Revealing “Secret” Children to Guy She’s Dating



Woman Blasted After Blaming Teen Sister for Revealing “Secret” Children to Guy She’s Dating


Woman Blasted After Blaming Teen Sister for Revealing “Secret” Children to Guy She’s Dating

Woman Blames Teen Sister for Revealing She Has Kids to Guy She’s Dating

When it comes to communicating with folks on the behalf of others, context and information are vital. Knowing what to say and when to say so you don’t get folks in trouble, or accidentally give up bits of information they may not want the other party to know about can be tricky to navigate. Unsurprisingly, different folks have different thoughts on this phenomenon.

Some would argue that the burden of ensuring a secret doesn’t “get out” lies solely with the person who is trying to keep said secret. If you’re telling a friend, sibling, coworker, etc. something in confidence, then maybe you should let them know that they should keep that secret just that…a secret.

And sometimes it’s not even a single “secret” that someone told you that they want to keep private from other folks, it could be an aspect of their life that they don’t want to be aired out.

Like what happened with this teen who posted on Reddit’s AITA (“Am I the a-hole?”) sub following a conversation she had with a guy she was seeing.


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